27 August 2006

DIY Filmmaker Sujewa: every US indie filmmaker's got two homes: 1 where they are from/live & 2 New York City :: next stop, Brooklyn

DIY Filmmaker Sujewa: every US indie filmmaker's got two homes: 1 where they are from/live & 2 New York City :: next stop, Brooklyn: "all the famous peeps aside, an artist needs new stimulation & new things to discover, see, do, new people to meet in order to come up with new work. & i've lived, & worked, in & very close to DC since '92 - since the beginning of my self-identification as a filmmaker, so now it is time to try out a new environment. but i am sure i will still visit DC often & will shoot films here - since i know the place well & got connects."

24 August 2006

Sexy Knitters Club: what not to knit

Sexy Knitters Club: what not to knit: "i posted some thoughts about the candidates on one of my other blogs at http://whatnot2knit.blogspot.com/2006/08/sexy-knitters-club.html. i have some favorites :) but please don't be offended if your nominee isn't one of them--it's all just taste!"

20 August 2006

Darth Mullet Blogger: Kyle's Software Picks For Mac OS X 10.4http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif

Darth Mullet Blogger: Kyle's Software Picks For Mac OS X 10.4http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif: "This final installment of my software recommendations contains entirely free software. Although I feel that all these pieces of software are excellent additions to your Applications folder, I have ordered them according to what I perceive as their usefulness. I recommend starting at the top of the list and working your way down. Enjoy!"